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Web and Native app


CuraConnect is a search and streamlining platform for discovery and guidance through transition processes for elderly care options.


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CuraConnect is a discovery platform for senior care options based on location and preferences. It presents a channel of communication as guidance through the transition process.

The enrolment enhances the patient experience by carefully analyzing users' specific needs. Also, it streamlines the administration for the transition process and creates a better care plan.


While creating this application, we had to define the problem we were trying to solve and understand the project's goals, constraints, and requirements by researching the user's needs and expectations.

The discovery phase involved user research, market trends, and technical constraints. That research has formed the design process and helped to identify potential solutions.

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One of the most significant challenges we encountered throughout our discovery phase and testing was the potential problem of overwhelming users with a lengthy screening process. As a solution, through research and the help of a care professional, we separated the screening process, where we collect information into smaller pieces—allowing users to prepare all required to manage their time according to their ability.That approach is more user-friendly and understandable of process and required steps. Which, through user testing, showed to be an excellent direction.

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Through this platform, users can quickly discover senior care options near their location based on their preferences.

Users' enrolment administration process is streamlined and serves as guidance through the transition process that provides comfort and security during this challenging transition in life.