
MyTaxHub is a personal tax platform that provides guidance and optimization through tax process.



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Process of several steps aimed at accurately reporting an individual or entity's income, deductions, credits, and other relevant financial information to the appropriate tax authorities. Our goal was to eliminate the exchange of information through email, phone conversations, or personal appointments and transform that into a digital form. Users would have an overview of the required information and steps to go through the process at a convenient time with guidance and support to optimize their return.


Navigating complex challenges requires strategic thinking, adaptability, and a deep understanding of real-world scenarios. So, we've started with user research and real scenarios that have given us a sense of users' needs and technical and business constraints. That discovery process helped us to define the problem, set the project's goal, shape the process, and identify potential solutions

My Ta Hub

One of the most significant challenges we encountered throughout our discovery phase and testing was presenting and guiding users through lists of different forms and presenting everything in an understandable way without overwhelming users.

As a solution, through research and the help of a professional, we separated processes, where we collect information through different sections —allowing users to prepare all required and manage their time according to their ability. Also, to make users more confident, we provided guidance every step of the way.That approach is more user-friendly and understandable. Which, through user testing, proved to be an excellent direction.

How did we do this?

Developed Over 200 APIs Across 30+ Microservices


This platform serves as guidance through the tax process, where users can create profiles through this platform, collect all information, and optimize and submit taxes.